Aminet 31
Aminet 31 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1999].iso
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Text File
182 lines
Short: Pdflib (libpdf) and tools (68k and PPC)
Author: Thomas Merz, Andreas R. Kleinert (port)
Uploader: Andreas_Kleinert@t-online.de
Type: text/misc
Changes for Amiga 68k/PPC port are documented in
in "CHANGES.amiga". For usage information, please
refer to "README".
PPC binary is called have .elf extension and can
be executed from Shell when being used with
ppc.library V46+
There are two link library versions included:
libpdf.lib (68k) and libpdf.a (PPC).
General information follows.
ARK, 7/Mar/99
PDFlib V0.6
Portable C library for dynamically generating PDF ("Adobe Acrobat") files.
Thomas Merz (tm@muc.de)
The PDFlib distribution is available from the following URL:
PDFlib is a C library for generating PDF files. It offers a graphics
API with support for drawing, text, font and images. Call PDFlib
routines from within your client program and voila: dynamic PDF files!
For detailed instructions on PDFlib programming and the associated API,
see the PDFlib Programming Manual, included in PDF format in the
PDFlib distribution.
Using a cute facility called SWIG, PDFlib can also be used from
within the Perl, Tcl, and Python scripting languages. As of version
0.6, scripting support is only available for Unix systems.
- basic drawing
lines, rectangles, arcs, Bezier curves, ...
gray scale or RGB color
- text
text in different fonts and sizes, formatting
type 1 font embedding, AFM support
- output formats
ASCII85, ASCIIHex, or binary
- graphics file formats
support for TIFF, GIF, and JPEG files
- hypertext features
bookmarks (outline entries)
page transitions
PDFlib application ideas
- Dynamic PDF generation via CGI from a Web server
- Directly convert text or graphics files to PDF
- Report generator for applications such as databases
- Substitute for Adobe's PDFwriter
- ... you name it!
Supplied Library Clients
PDFlib includes some demo, test, and "real" client programs:
- hello: simple "hello, world!" program
- pdfdemo: illustrates many PDF features
- imagepdf: convert GIF/TIFF/JPEG images to PDF
- text2pdf: convert text files to PDF
- pdfclock: generate a PDF file with one or more analog clock images
- pdfgraph: draw a graph according to data read from a text file
- the hello and pdfclock samples are also available in Perl, Tcl,
and Python implementations
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
46310 9499 79.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +afmparse.c
10593 3554 66.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +afmparse.h
6648 2237 66.3% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +ansi_e.h
85547 85547 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +acro_web.gif
88438 88438 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +bible.tif
840 395 52.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +graphdata
37406 37406 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +nesrin.jpg
119 100 15.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +clock.cgi
486 282 41.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +hello.pl
1977 656 66.8% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdfclock.pl
15977 2602 83.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdflib.pm
477 268 43.8% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +hello.py
1955 675 65.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdfclock.py
677 386 42.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +hello.tcl
2320 837 63.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdfclock.tcl
4088 1998 51.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +CHANGES
645 380 41.0% 07-Mar-99 21:12:50 +CHANGES.amiga
0 0 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +afmlist
0 0 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +afmlist.dos
15352 3959 74.2% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Courier-Bold.afm
15422 4070 73.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Courier-BoldOblique.afm
15443 4076 73.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Courier-Oblique.afm
15339 3953 74.2% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Courier.afm
17110 4631 72.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Helvetica-Bold.afm
17185 4778 72.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm
17873 4917 72.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Helvetica-Oblique.afm
17793 4773 73.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Helvetica.afm
9644 3374 65.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Symbol.afm
17934 4980 72.2% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Times-Bold.afm
18021 5066 71.8% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Times-BoldItalic.afm
18019 5061 71.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Times-Italic.afm
17893 4925 72.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +Times-Roman.afm
9467 2484 73.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +ZapfDingbats.afm
3798 1756 53.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +getopt.c
42816 24911 41.8% 07-Mar-99 21:04:46 +hello
1176 611 48.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +hello.c
98147 41137 58.0% 07-Mar-99 21:24:00 +hello.elf
52652 30242 42.5% 07-Mar-99 21:04:52 +imagepdf
2401 966 59.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +imagepdf.c
121686 50360 58.6% 07-Mar-99 21:24:14 +imagepdf.elf
218 124 43.1% 07-Mar-99 21:00:24 +libc.h
18 18 0.0% 07-Mar-99 20:57:36 +process.h
217 124 42.8% 07-Mar-99 20:43:20 +unistd.h
97084 35410 63.5% 07-Mar-99 21:21:38 +libpdf.a
47544 22852 51.9% 07-Mar-99 21:09:08 +libpdf.lib
11229 4489 60.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +LICENSE
6582 2204 66.5% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +macrom_e.h
8699 2833 67.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +makefile.gcc
5366 1836 65.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:58 +makefile.wat
12680 3655 71.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_basic.c
2610 659 74.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_color.c
4617 1421 69.2% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_draw.c
3561 1418 60.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_filter.c
13590 4049 70.2% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_font.c
332 225 32.2% 07-Mar-99 20:53:28 +p_gif.c
12891 4230 67.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_gif_original.c
3218 1008 68.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_gstate.c
2263 776 65.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_hyper.c
7213 1942 73.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_image.c
4853 1702 64.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +p_intern.h
9860 3114 68.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_jpeg.c
1537 618 59.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +p_port.h
3815 1232 67.7% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_text.c
3933 1334 66.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_tiff.c
1936 989 48.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:08 +p_util.c
7468 2435 67.3% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdf.h
52852 30170 42.9% 07-Mar-99 21:04:16 +pdfclock
3098 1157 62.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdfclock.c
117895 48596 58.7% 07-Mar-99 21:23:08 +pdfclock.elf
64632 36316 43.8% 07-Mar-99 21:04:44 +pdfdemo
12722 3575 71.8% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdfdemo.c
142715 59277 58.4% 07-Mar-99 21:23:52 +pdfdemo.elf
6664 2277 65.8% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdfdoc_e.h
53300 30622 42.5% 07-Mar-99 21:04:22 +pdfgraph
2823 1071 62.0% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdfgraph.c
118277 49368 58.2% 07-Mar-99 21:23:18 +pdfgraph.elf
674129 503285 25.3% 07-Mar-99 20:21:12 +PDFlib-0.6.pdf
1009 550 45.4% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +pdflib.i
2569 1283 50.0% 07-Mar-99 21:19:54 +pdflib.readme
139483 13982 89.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdfperl_wrap.c
162327 14328 91.1% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdfpython_wrap.c
241544 21913 90.9% 07-Mar-99 20:21:14 +pdftcl_wrap.c
6177 2865 53.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +README
331 197 40.4% 07-Mar-99 20:52:22 +SCOPTIONS
6819 1978 70.9% 07-Mar-99 21:13:30 +smakefile
6921 1989 71.2% 07-Mar-99 21:22:20 +smakefilePPC
45256 26207 42.0% 07-Mar-99 21:09:30 +text2pdf
3653 1290 64.6% 07-Mar-99 20:21:10 +text2pdf.c
103650 43255 58.2% 07-Mar-99 21:22:28 +text2pdf.elf
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
3091854 1442538 53.3% 17-Mar-99 21:34:00 89 files